Now, in the group’s internal chats on the Telegram messaging app, NewsChannel 5 Investigates has uncovered new videos and ...
Frank Meeink was once one of America’s most prominent young white supremacists. Now an ardent anti-racist, he tells James ...
Sven Liebich, 53, is currently serving an 18-month sentence in a men’s jail in Saxony in Germany’s east after being convicted ...
A teenage neo-Nazi and self-proclaimed satanist has been sentenced for possessing terrorist material and encouraging a young ...
A British neo-Nazi who attempted to murder an asylum seeker and then tried to publish an extreme right-wing manifesto was ...
Callum Ulysses Parslow receives sentence of life imprisonment for trying to ‘exterminate’ Nahom Hagos using a £770 knife ...
Andrew McIntyre, a British extremist who played a key role in fomenting last summer’s unrest, was sentenced last week to ...
Nazi thug Mark Brown has been convicted of threatening to kill a woman four years after the PSNI were censured for failing to ...
A Tennessee man who has been connected to a neo-Nazi group was arrested after reportedly entering a Jewish Community Center ...
Callum Parslow, 32, claimed he launched the attack because he was ‘angry and frustrated’ at small boat crossings.
Now, in the group’s internal chats on the Telegram messaging app, NewsChannel 5 Investigates has uncovered new videos and ...