In October 2021, Apple brought a brand new design to the MacBook Pro line. Apple increased the screen size on the 13-inch, making it a 14-inch, and shrunk the bezels on the 16-inch. This fifth ...
This MacBook ... MacBook Pro screen no matter what you're doing. The 14-inch display is 14.2 inches, to be exact, with a resolution of 3024x1964, at 254 pixels per inch. The 16-inch display ...
the 14-inch MacBook Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro feel like entirely different systems due to their contrast in size. There are a few key differences between the two M4 MacBook Pro models that you ...
it's worth checking out the available discounts in our 16-inch MacBook Pro Price Guide. We've also compiled the top MacBook Pro deals across screen sizes, so if you're looking for offers on the 14 ...
It looks nailed-on at this point that Apple will launch a new 27-inch iMac powered by its M1 chips – probably the M1 Pro and M1 Max from the MacBook Pro 14-inch and 16-inch (2021 ...
Writing for Bloomberg’s Power On newsletter, he notes that the 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models typically debut ... on developing a large foldable screen for Apple. And by the sounds ...
In October 2021, Apple brought a brand new design to the MacBook Pro line. Apple increased the screen size on the 13-inch, making it a 14-inch, and shrunk the bezels on the 16-inch. This fifth ...