In this visually stunning and emotionally moving film, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie star as John and Laura Baxter, a grieving couple whose daughter recently drowned. Now they’re in Venice and ...
Most times when a remake is announced, there is an uproar from moviegoers lamenting the lack of fresh ideas and how remakes ...
An 80s horror movie exploring sexual identities outside the "norm" sounds like a potentially offensive affair, but to its ...
Ask most horror fans about the genre’s best decade, and the overwhelming majority will likely agree that it’s the 1980s. With ...
Michael Keaton's ghost with the most is causing mayhem in two movies on Max. You can watch the horror comedy Beetlejuice and ...
Zombie movies and TV shows have always been popular with horror fans, from George Romero's Night of the Living Dead in 1968, ...
What It’s About: This classic ‘80s horror movie has two American backpackers and graduate students, David and Jack, getting attacked by a werewolf while travelling across the moors in Yorkshire.
Special is a spooky point-and-click game with shades of Resident Evil and Clock Tower, as well as giallo horror, and you can ...