"Between Borders," a film based on the real-life story of Ivan and Violetta Petrosyan will be released in theaters nationwide from January 26 to 28, for only three days.
Fort Wayne-based StoryLight Productions is behind the new movie "Between Borders," which tells the story of an Armenian ...
The documentary Armenian Sketches is a series of short stories about people who represent their national culture and traditions with sincere warmth Like a puzzle viewers may put together a big ...
“Currently, the Armenian National Film Foundation is working on funding to distribute movies across various online platforms. Existing forms are limited. While you can find Armenian movies on ...
Between Borders” depicts the real-life events one family endured while fleeing their home in Baku, Azerbaijan, during the massacre that took place in the 1980s.
In his wordless debut film, Mikhail Vartanov presents the ancient and modern art of Armenia through the post-impressionist painter Martiros Saryan’s silent commentary of gestures. Biblical ...
Elizabeth Tabish is sharing the personal connection she felt to her latest movie, BETWEEN BORDERS. “In a crumbling Soviet ...
PanARMENIAN.Net - The documentary “My Armenian phantoms” by filmmaker Tamara Stepanyan will premiere at the Berlin ...
Born in Georgia in an Armenian family, Arman and his loved ones moved to Russia when he was a child. Arman has often credited Nairi for inculcating a strong work ethic in him. At 11, Arman worked ...