sulfur dioxide and sand clouds in the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet", issued under embargo on November 13, 2023. WASP-107b’s atmospheric composition deduced from JWST/MIRI Transmission ...
The James Webb Space Telescope has detected clouds made of silicates, similar to sand here on Earth, as well as water, methane and carbon monoxide on exoplanet VHS 1256 b. The exoplanet is more ...
Potentially habitable exoplanets are so incredibly common that astronomers have started to consider more unusual situations where life might arise. Perhaps life can be found on the moon of a hot ...
Collaborative work by amateur and professional astronomers has helped to resolve a long-standing misunderstanding about the composition of Jupiter's clouds. Instead of being formed of ammonia ice ...
During a perijove, the probe dives over the north pole, screams past the Jovian cloud ... works of art. Here are some of the most jaw-dropping pictures from Juno's latest trip around Jupiter.