Health officials warn that cats can get bird flu if they eat infected birds, drink unpasteurized milk, eat raw pet food, or ...
Bird flu isn’t just affecting chickens and cows; it’s hitting pet cats. An estimated 11.6 million households in California own 23.3 million cats. A growing number of these and an unknowable ...
Washington state officials are warning pet owners that two domesticated indoor cats have become infected with the bird flu ...
Domestic and wild cats are particularly sensitive to bird flu. Dogs can also contract HPAI, but usually exhibit mild clinical signs and low mortality compared to cats, according to the U.S. Food ...
The cats became severely ill with bird flu, authorities said, after they ate the same brand of raw pet food, the latest in a string of pet deaths linked to the virus. Testing confirmed the ...
PORTLAND Ore. (KPTV/Gray News) - Oregon health officials say they are continuing to alert pet owners of cats getting sick with bird flu after eating raw pet food. Last week, the Oregon Department ...
Multnomah County recorded its first bird flu infections in cats this past week after two ... loss of appetite and eye or nasal discharge. Dogs can also contract the disease but are less ...
The deadly bird flu may have already infected at least some of the half-million stray cats roaming the Big Apple, animal activists warn — a troubling scenario that could threaten humans ...