Related: See all the best images of Earth from space In the astronaut photo, Kol'tsevoye Lake looks as if it has been covered by low-lying clouds sitting at the bottom of the caldera. However ...
These swirls, known as von Kármán vortices, are formed when clouds get caught up in an airflow that has been disrupted by a tall landmass, most often above an ocean, according to NASA's Earth ...
In the image, Vesuvius' caldera — a large bowl-like depression caused by the collapse of the mountain's summit during a previous eruption — appears to peer up through a gap in the clouds like ...
On January 18, the team at Firefly carried out Blue Ghost’s first engine burn, firing up the lander’s thrusters and main ...
University of Waikato provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. Every day, about 48.5 tonnes of space rock hurtle towards Earth. Meteorites that fall into the ocean are never recovered. But ...
There is also potential for interdisciplinary research between atmospheric scientists and space ... clouds form) and ionosphere (located within the thermosphere and about 60-300 km above Earth's ...
Amanda Kooser covers the quirky side of science and space. NASA's Curiosity rover ... mounds of cotton candy like you might find on Earth. Mars clouds have wispy features, more like a gauzy ...
Bursts of electromagnetic radiation from clouds of hot gas bear a striking similarity to the dawn chorus, scientists reveal ...
The work has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary ... between the atmosphere and space, particularly the mesosphere (where the highest clouds form) and ionosphere (located within ...
This is a cloud layer, and she says it exhibits ... First of all, can these cells in ejecta particles survive the transfer from Earth to Venus? Space isn't for the weak; it's filled with radiation ...
This stunning satellite photo shows one of the world's most famous and potentially dangerous volcanoes, Mount Vesuvius, playing a game of peek-a-boo with an orbiting spacecraft through a strangely ...
The peak of Vesuvius aligned with a gap in the clouds Which satellite took the photo ... making Vesuvius "one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes," according to NASA's Earth Observatory. In the ...