This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves in the North Pole and becomes Santa Claus. But when his eager-to-please elf, Patch, leaves for the big streets of ...
In Santa Claus, Indiana, volunteers "elves" answer thousands of letters to Santa each year, keeping the holiday magic alive. The tradition, dating back to the 1930s, brings joy and hope to ...
sure that he was Santa Claus. “I knew what he was thinking and I said, ‘Don’t tell anyone you saw Santa buying tools for the elves at Home Depot,’” he said. “He was frozen dead over.
When Americans catch a glimpse of Santa Claus — whether in movies or at a shopping mall — he usually looks the same. He's rotund, sporting a long white beard and a fluffy red-and-white hat.
In Santa Claus, Indiana, volunteers answer thousands ... The town’s historic post office is the heart of this magical effort, where “elves” help respond to children’s letters, big and ...