The world of Helldivers 2 has seen a drastic change, as an old threat has returned to wreak havoc on Super Earth's goal of galactic freedom. The Omens of Tyranny update saw the arrival of the ...
The Helldivers 2 CEO has assured worried fans about the future of HD2 in the wake of Pilestedt leaving on a sabbatical.
The Illuminate are the most advanced faction in Helldivers 2, and sometimes they don’t ... to turn the tide in your favor. You can use buildings as cover. While they’re destructible ...
The Illuminate are the latest foe to appear in Helldivers 2, but they've been missing for some time now. Where on (Super) Earth are they? What’s curious now, though, is that players might have ...
As players continue delivering democratic justice in Helldivers 2 and news of the creative director taking a sabbatical makes ...
Despite the massacre by the Terminids and the Automatons, the Super Earth Citizens fear the recently launched faction in Helldivers 2 the most.
Arrowhead Game Studios boss Shams Jorjani has assured fans that Helldivers 2 will remain alive and kicking for as long fans continue to play, after fans start to question how long the game would be ...