2. Anointing: In baptism we are not just washed of sins, but we also become temples of the Holy Spirit. After baptism there ...
Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord year C ✠ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 3:15-16,21-22 A feeling of expectancy had grown among the people, who were beginning to think that John ...
Anybody might think that the only words Lancelot Andrewes wrote were the ones that inspired T S Eliot’s The Journey of the ...
I can never forget the first baptism I celebrated. I was a transitional deacon assigned to a parish in the Archdiocese of ...
As we conclude our Christmas celebrations, having been blessed with the graces of the season and the opening of the Jubilee ...
Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Today, the Church celebrates the significant feast of the Baptism of the L ...
Now when all the people were baptised by John the Baptist and when Jesus also had been baptised and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a ...
Christian prayer is always directed to the Father, in the Son, and through the Spirit. As such, even in our prayer, we are ...
Instead of excluding the Baptist from participating in the Spirit’s descent through baptism, John’s Gospel makes him the prophet of the Spirit’s descent, a witness to the Spirit’s descent, and — most ...