UIC provides warm storage space to local retailers, enabling delivery of 75,000 pounds of additional food supplies ahead of ...
Used with permission Alaska's indigenous people, who are jointly called Alaska Natives, can be divided into five major groupings: Aleuts, Northern Eskimos (Inupiat), Southern Eskimos (Yuit ...
The Native Hawaiian Economic Alliance selected Max Ahgeak, President of the Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation, to receive its “Native Hawaiian Business Champion Award” at the 5th Annual Native ...
J.R. Nungasak shoots at the sea ducks as they pass over the ice. At Nalukataq, the Inupiat whaling festival in Utqiaġvik, people celebrate a productive whaling season and give thanks for the gift ...
“The oil and gas lease sales on the Arctic Refuge demonstrate the Trump administration's complete disregard for the human rights of the Gwich'in and Inupiat people and our ways of life that depend on ...
“The oil and gas lease sales on the Arctic Refuge demonstrate the Trump administration's complete disregard for the human rights of the Gwich'in and Inupiat people and our ways of life that depend on ...