BJP on Tuesday launched a new campaign song in preparation for the upcoming assembly elections. Sung by party MP Manoj Tiwari ...
The Bharatiya Janata Party has launched a new theme song for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, featuring MP Manoj Tiwari ...
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini criticized AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal over Yamuna water issues during a public rally ...
The song, sung by party MP Manoj Tiwari, is a remake of his popular election song "BJP Dil Mein, BJP Dilli Mein," which was first released in 2017.
Amid unemployment and inflation, the battle for Delhi intensifies as Congress challenges AAP’s positioning as the ‘anti-corruption’ party that stands for ‘clean politics’ ...
This song is imbued in the hearts of the people of UP, Bihar, Purvanchal, and Jharkhand... It shows that AAP respects all ...