Her suitcase was lost. But, the worst part was that inside the lost bag was her custom-made, blue bridesmaids’ gown. Small was devastated. She couldn’t stand next to the bride at the wedding ...
Even better, take photos before you jet off so you remember what was packed. 3. Thirdly, a missing bag is declared officially lost after 21 days. At this point, you can go to your travel insurer ...
An honest vlogger earns admiration for returning a lost bag containing P2.5 million and receiving a P100 reward from the owner.
On par with a canceled flight, lost luggage has the kind of trip-ruining potential that makes most travelers cringe. And judging by the stuffed overhead compartments on most planes, consumers do ...
Seriously, an airline doesn't want to lose your baggage, and even though you may be more inconvenienced than the airline, it's too costly for us to deal with lost baggage. You're sharing the pain ...