Devils Tower, also known as Bear Rock and Mato Tipila, is home to several indigenous animals, including prairie rattlesnakes, ...
Tribes in that region usually had the name “Bear” in the title, either in English or their own language: Bear Lodge, Bear Tipi, House of the Bear, sometimes Mato Tipila, which is Bear Lodge in the ...
Bear Butte is also significantly closer to other sacred sites such as Wind Cave and Mato Tipila (Devil's Tower). This proximity has already allowed for the project to take youth to sites and ...
“It gives us a foundation so we can bring them here for seasonal culture camps, healing camps, internship activities and workshops, and it serves as a home base for trips to other important sacred ...
“It gives us a foundation so we can bring them here for seasonal culture camps, healing camps, internship activities and workshops, and it serves as a home base for trips to other important sacred ...