Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) curiously referred to himself as the USS Enterprise's "second officer" early in Star Trek: The Original Series season 1. Star Trek's signature character, the half-Vulcan Mr.
As the logical half-human, half-alien Mr. Spock in the TV series and movies Star Trek, his pointy Vulcan ears became a signature - and a nuisance - for the actor. Here are a few facts about ...
"As Mr. Spock, he made science and technology important to the story, while never failing to show, by example, that it is the people around us who matter most." Nasa posted a photo online taken ...
Most are young, and relatively few are radical enough to encourage arrest. There are some outspoken celebrities, such as Jane Fonda. But Dr. Spock holds a unique position as both a once-trusted ...
Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Mr. Spock ( Leonard Nimoy ... Smallville and Star Wars fame portraying young Kirk and Lawrence Selleck playing Spock. Unification received a sneak preview ...