Vigilantes takes place years before the events of the main series, and follows a trio of underground heroes who illegally ...
My Hero Academia explores the story of All Might, a skilled fighter who chooses Deku as his successor as he knows his era as ...
Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might, has had quite the ride in My Hero Academia’s history. Once one of the strongest beings in Hero Society and living up to his reputation as the Symbol of Peace ...
All Might instinctively knew society needed a symbol of peace and a hero who could be relied on and who would deter villains and inspire others. In Season 1 of My Hero Academia, the series began ...
specifically between Prime Deku and Prime All Might. Prime Deku is Deku in the final arc of My Hero Academia where he fully mastered the power of One-for-All (OFA). Prime All Might is All Might ...
On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the official website of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes unveiled the Pro Hero character visuals for five characters who have already appeared in the main franchise, i ...