Actor-turned-pilot Dev Joshi, who rose to fame as the Indian superhero Baal Veer got engaged to his fiancee Aarti in an ...
A devastating earthquake in China's remote Tibet region on January 7 killed at least 126 people, with the tremor also rattling parts of neighbouring Nepal and India. But dramatic footage of a quake ...
Starting from Karan Veer Merhra's Bigg Boss 18 win to Bal Veer actor's engagement, the television world was full of exciting ...
Nepal has pulled off the extraordinary feat of more than doubling its tiger population in the past 10 years, bringing them back from the brink of extinction. But it has come at a cost to local ...
Actor Dev Joshi of Baal Veer fame is engaged. The actor shared a photo with his fiancee on Instagram. Actor Dev Joshi, who became a household name with the popular TV show Baal Veer, is now engaged.