One of Japan's most distinguished judo personalities harshly criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine by President Vladimir Putin, a personal friend of the Japanese judoka whom he described as a ...'s how Putin became the world's most powerful person » ...
President Putin is a judoka and these actions are against the spirit and purpose of judo. This cannot be tolerated.” He continued, “The purpose of judo is to learn the spirit of Jita-kyoei and ...
BUDAPEST, August 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to hold a lesson on the theory of judo for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The World Judo Championship kicked off in ...
Schon als Jugendlicher interessierte sich Putin für Kampfsportarten, mit 18 Jahren erreichte er im Judo den schwarzen Gürtel. Nach der Schule studierte er Jura, um 1975 als Agent in den Dienst ...