This is a real-time 3D engine (ray caster) that renders to single-image random-dot stereogram (the images made popular in the Magic Eye books). I wrote this because I was curious if the brain would be ...
In random-dot stereograms the features to be matched are individual pixels. We have used recurrent backpropagation learning algorithm of Pineda (1987) to construct network models with lateral and ...
SIRDS is a means to present 3D data in a 2D image. It allows for scientific data display of a waterfall type of plot with no hidden lines due to perspective. Data is encoded to show data in the Z ...
To explore the impact of stereograms with varied motions on brain activities, we collected Electroencephalography (EEG) signals evoked by Dynamic Random Dot Stereograms (DRDS). To effectively classify ...
Discussion: The combination of multiple tests utilizing anaglyphic random dot stereograms with varying parameters (density, noise, dynamism) in AI leads to the most advanced and sensitive screening ...
Here we propose a model for biological stereo vision based on known receptive field profiles of binocular cells in the visual cortex and provide the first demonstration that these cells could ...