You will also need to find out when your company requires you to submit a doctor's note and what should be included. This could be the day of your illness or injury or when you return to work.
In the event that a Western Michigan University employee has used all of his/her accumulated sick leave and/or has exhausted benefits under a family and medical leave of absence and is unable to ...
In return for a salary ... The Prime Minister has declared that the country has a “sick note culture” and wants to shift fitness-for-work assessments from GPs to “specialist work and ...
This policy describes the mechanisms for eligible Professional Staff Members to accrue and report Sick Leave, procedures for handling call-outs and the requirements for medical certifications and ...
She emphasizes the importance of expanding our knowledge in this field: "The majority of people on sick leave due to common mental disorders return to work within 60 days. At the same time ...