"Masterchef Junior" is returning with season nine of the cooking competition featuring children on Monday, March 4. The program broadcasts episodes on FOX at 7 p.m. Central Time and will be ...
ET was with Gordon Ramsay and his daughter, Tilly, as they gear up to judge season 9 of ‘MasterChef Junior.’ Watkins died on Monday after a hearbreaking battle with a rare form of cancer.
Gordon Ramsay has said he's "proud" of his ... had read out a comment from a listener telling him Tilly was taking part in Celebrity MasterChef Australia as well as Strictly.
courtesy of previous "MasterChef Junior" winner Bryson McGlynn and semifinalist Ivy Childs. (Season 9 winner McGlynn told Mashed what he really thinks about Ramsay in an exclusive chat ...
Sunday Morning Boys Club' Gordon Ramsay Saws His Daughter Tilly in Half for Magic Trick on MasterChef Junior — Watch! Gordon Ramsay Shares Cute Pic of Wife Tana Cuddling 4-Month-Old Son Jesse ...