Regular ScienceAlert readers will likely know how pervasive microplastics are – getting into human tissue, ancient rock, and bottled water – but it may come as a shock to discover just how many of ...
Unfortunately, a growing body of research has detected contaminants and microplastics pretty much everywhere, including our tap water. Now, new research has detected microplastics in yet another ...
To come to this conclusion, the team tested tea bags made from nylon-6, polypropylene, and cellulose, all typical packaging for teas ... exposed them to different types of human intestinal ...
Tea lovers will soon enjoy premium tea while supporting a healthier planet with the brand's sustainable and innovative packaging solutions. In addition, the brand will be unveiling redesigned ...
Green Tea: What’s The Difference? Those plastic particles were then stained and exposed to different types of cancerous ... water, and packaging could erode trust in staple food products and ...