Welcome back to The Daily Aviation for a feature on the genius way the US Navy transfer dangerous ammunition while underway.
The US Navy's Military Sealift Command's Combat Logistics Force (CLF) operates 17 fleet replenishment oilers, 14 dry cargo/ammunition ships, and two fast combat support ships. These ships are ...
and finally Congress stepped in and said the Navy would build three. Among the many unique features of this ship was a new 155 mm gun with new rocket-assisted precision ammunition. The Advanced ...
U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers needing to leave the ongoing battle against Iran-backed Houthi rebel missile and drone ...
Procurement was shut down two years ago, leaving the Zumwalt without any ammunition to ... with secondary anti-ship and anti-aircraft mission capabilities. The Navy saw the ship operating in ...
Given that the United States is now nearly energy-independent, a sub-300-ship Navy could also consider withdrawing the Fifth Fleet command element from the Arabian Gulf (saving additional funds by ...