India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday the launch of two Indian-made warships and a submarine was key to its ...
Stressing the importance of enhancing and modernising India’s military capabilities in the 21st century, Prime Minister ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi proudly announced the commissioning of three frontline naval combatants, all designed and built ...
International power rivalry is playing out in the Indian Ocean region, India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on ...
Saudi Arabia is a military power in its own right, boasting a large standing army, and advanced weaponry which could give any ...
MUMBAI, India (AP) — India’s navy on Wednesday simultaneously launched a submarine, a destroyer and a frigate built at a state-run shipyard, underscoring the importance of protecting the ...
MUMBAI, India (AP) — India's navy on Wednesday simultaneously launched a submarine, a destroyer and a frigate built at a state-run shipyard, underscoring the importance of protecting the Indian ...
MUMBAI, India (AP) — India's navy on Wednesday simultaneously launched a submarine, a destroyer and a frigate built at a state-run shipyard, underscoring the importance of protecting the Indian Ocean ...