Apple launched the original Mac mini 20 years ago today, kickstarting a trend of small but powerful computers. The Mac mini ...
For almost five years, the heart of the Power Mac was the PowerPC G4 chip. Starting in 1999 it clocked at just 350 MHz, but by the time the Power Mac G4 line was retired, a tower with dual 1.42 GHz ...
For PowerPC machines there was also another ... PowerMac G3 "Blue and White", PowerBook G3 "Lombard", and PowerMac G4 "Yikes". This is a remarkable achievement: while he's taken code from several ...
Launched in 2005 as the first sub-$500 Mac — a key in attracting "switchers" from Windows PCs — the Mac mini (now $799 and up from the Apple Store) was most recently redesigned in late 2018.
Launched in 2005 as the first sub-$500 Mac — a key in attracting "switchers" from Windows PCs — the Mac mini (now $799 and up from the Apple Store) was most recently redesigned in late 2018.