Robert De Niro has shared the backstory behind one of the most unforgettable moments in Martin Scorsese’s 1976 masterpiece “Taxi Driver,” revealing that the iconic scene was partially improvised.
Travis Bickle is an ex-Marine and Vietnam War veteran living in New York City. As he suffers from insomnia, he spends his time working as a taxi driver at night, watching porn movies at seedy ...
The roomy interior allowed for plenty of fares (and potentially some tense situations) for Travis Bickle, our unforgettable protagonist. This classic Dodge is a study in balance, offering both ...
Perhaps no character in American cinema has proved more relevant to our times than Taxi Driver’s Travis Bickle, who seems to contain within him the demonic energies of all our incels and ...
“At one point, De Niro’s character, Travis Bickle, was polishing his boots, and he was using Kiwi polish (C8). I was quite proud that this Aussie product (first manufactured in 1906) featured ...
De Niro is fascinating as Travis Bickle, the taxi driver, showing him capable of appearing normal and almost suave at one point, only to succumb to his worst instincts after any momentary setback.