Light rain is expected to dampen Southern California this weekend, easing fire conditions but also raising landslide risks in burn areas. It won't end local fire risk. The drizzle is “enough to tamp ...
Then, in the summer, we have many months of no rain, the aquifer under us drying out, and we must irrigate from the municipal water that we have to pay for; and there it is falling from the sky, clean ...
During wildfire events, smoke from nearby fires can blanket nearby areas. A primer on harmful health effects, a list of tips for reducing smoke exposure, and other resources and links can be found on ...
While it is somewhat easy to control individual stinknet plants, it is especially challenging to control stinknet patches or populations and to eradicate new infestations. The biology of stinknet ...
California water-rights holders are required by state law to measure and report the water they divert from surface streams. For people who wish to take the water measurements themselves, the ...
UC ANR is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and upholding the civil rights of our staff, academics, clients, partners and campus communities. As a recipient of federal funds through the ...
Whether today's temperature is low enough might seem like a funny question to ask, but if you are growing fruit trees or berries, it's important to wonder if it's cold enough. Sufficient cold ...
We are now in the midst of winter with its often foggy and dreary days. Many trees are bare, most insects are dormant, and numerous bird species have flown south, so our gardens can seem gray, bare, ...
Stepping into the garden and seeing beautiful flowers, hearing birds sing and feeling the pride of accomplishment are even better when combined with the earthy, spicy, sweet and astringent scents of ...
New findings may help researchers develop a grapefruit devoid of compounds that affect medication levels Grapefruit and pummelo contain compounds called furanocoumarins that may affect the blood ...
As winter begins, it provides an opportunity to assess what is working in the garden and what isn't, including whether and how plants should be pruned, moved, or removed. Now that many plants have ...
What's his number? 2,530. That's how many specimen drawers that Jeff Smith, volunteer curator of the Lepidoptera collection at the Bohart Museum of Entomology for the past 36 years, has crafted and ...