Insights Learning & Development has been featured in the Training Industry Top 20 Assessment & Evaluation Report for the ...
Studies have long shown the link between feedback and performance. But feedback brings its own challenges and is sometimes met with apprehension... Discovery Full Circle is the answer. A safe and ...
Want to be part of a global community of people who are building amazing people solutions in their business? Our Insights practitioners use their knowledge and expertise of self-awareness to create ...
At first glance it might appear to be a straightforward task to measure the level of employee engagement in an organisation. In the past, you may have heard people say, “It’s just a case of putting ...
Aiutiamo i tuoi collaboratori, i team, i leader e le organizzazioni ad accrescere la consapevolezza di sé. In questo modo è possibile raggiungere il successo aziendale. Forniremo ai tuoi collaboratori ...
Making a world of difference. Everything we do and believe in is about helping people to be more connected, more self-aware and inspired in their work and lives. Creating a more connected and ...
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide ...
Imagine that your organization has just initiated a re-organization. You know you will have a job in the new organization, but you will have a new manager, most of your team members will be new, and ...
Ved hjælp af Insights Discovery øger vi menneskers selvindsigt, så de får mulighed for at præstere på et endnu højere niveau. Vi ønsker at fremme effektive arbejdsrelationer ved at forbedre ...
TechnipFMC is a multinational company that carries out project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. Headquartered in Paris, France, they employ almost 40,000 people in 48 ...
Insights Discovery is our transformational experience for learners all over the world. It brings psychology to life in an accessible, practical model that shows people how understanding themselves ...
What is the Change Curve? The Change Curve is a popular and powerful model used to understand the stages of personal transition and organizational change. It helps you predict how people will react to ...