In the original 1989 animated film, Ursula acts as the main antagonist. Portrayed by Pat Carroll, she plays a major role in the story by tricking Ariel and transforming her into a human.
Mykal-Michelle Harris brings a fresh take to Ariel, inspired by the original films. Ursula plays a friendly, mentoring role in the show, with great music adding to the Caribbean-inspired vibe.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" is modified to remove a section where Ursula tells Ariel about how in the human world it's "much preferred for ladies not to say a word." The lyrics of "Kiss the Girl" are ...
22.75 x 16.75 in. (57.8 x 42.5 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
That alone requires a lot of quests to be completed between Ariel and Ursula. Reuniting Prince Eric with Ariel is one of the longest quests in Disney Dreamlight Valley. The following guide will ...
So, I was theirs hook, line and sinker." The scheming Ursula offers mermaid princess Ariel the temporary chance to become human, to try and win the heart of the man she loves - but she has to give ...
Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...