The show is a collaboration between Waterfall Arts in Belfast, the Union of Maine Visual Artists and Dark Sky Maine.
The cosmic display will be visible to the northern 25% of the US, including every state that borders Canada.
Another geomagnetic storm looms Monday night after a severe storm produced strong northern lights forecasts last week.
Forget the New Year's Eve fireworks — the northern lights could illuminate the New Hampshire and Maine skies tonight ... alert Sunday night that the aurora borealis may be visible at high ...
The dazzling kaleidoscope is expected to shine a glow over several northern U.S. states during the height of New Year’s Eve ...
Forget the New Year's Eve fireworks — the northern lights could illuminate the New Hampshire and Maine skies tonight ... alert Sunday night that the aurora borealis may be visible at high ...
Celebrate the New Year from Vermont to Maine with the stunning, dancing, Northern Lights that may be seen until Jan. 1 due to a geomagnetic storm. Here's how to to maximize your view.
Folks ringing in the new year in several states along the U.S.’s northern border might spot the aurora borealis amidst the ...
NOAA experts say states like Montana, Minnesota, and Maine could be prime viewing spots, especially if you can find a dark ...
Northern lights were a regular sight over the Adirondacks through the past year and should continue to be in 2025.