Eyes Of Wakanda is an upcoming animated series that will consist of four episodes. A spin-off of the two MCU Black Panther movies, the series is said to chronicle the history of Wakanda and, ...
Michael B Jordan dreamed of one Marvel movie role in particular as a child, and RDJ's return as Doom now makes fulfilling his ...
From Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. to Josh Brolin, here are 12 actors who have played various roles in Marvel movies.
Here's a chronological look at the superhero stories — from Marvel to DC, and everything between — we can look forward to in ...
Marvel Cinematic Universe fans have had to say goodbye to their favorite characters time and time again over the last decade or so. Incorporating hundreds of heroes, villains, and side characters into ...
Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t up for any Oscars at the 97th Academy Awards, with is both surprising and not so surprising with the two franchises it is associated with. Directed by Shawn Levy, Deadpool & ...