Eating too much red meat has been associated with poor health outcomes, but a new study shows it could also put your future ...
Jack Hoffman, who captured the nation’s heart in 2013 when he scored a 69-yard touchdown at a University of Nebraska spring ...
The victim suffered a collapsed lung during the attack and was later diagnosed with brain damage as a result of oxygen ...
Research shows that men's brains are 10-15% larger on average than women's. However, size does not impact intelligence. Men ...
A new study suggests how HDL, or "good" cholesterol, plays a role in maintaining brain health and cognitive function. Here's ...
Jack Hoffman, the namesake of the Team Jack Foundation and a pre-law student at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, died ...
Research reveals that a lack of sleep can hinder the brain's ability to suppress unwanted memories and intrusive thoughts, ...
Each night, our brains execute a "wash and rinse" routine that clears away harmful protein waste linked to neurodegenerative ...
An international study has identified three psychological profiles associated with different patterns of cognitive and brain decline in aging. The study, which analyzed more than 1,000 middle-aged and ...
Jack Hoffman ran for a long touchdown at the Nebraska spring game in 2013 when he was just 7 years old in an iconic heartfelt ...
Are you ready to test your intelligence with an exciting brain teaser? Look at the maids and answer which one of them is rich ...
Jack Hoffman, the cancer patient who captured the hearts of Nebraska football fans and inspired the nation as a 7-year-old ...