A Documentary, is a curiously intriguing portrait of artist and musician Neil Harbisson, who was born into a world that is ...
Only one member of the Justice League team did not receive their own film, and that canceled project could have been one of ...
In the year 2074 the PinWheel corporation creates an 'almost-human' cyborg Casella Reese, aka Cash, designed specifically to charm/seduce her way into a rival manufacturer's headquarters and then ...
The cyborgs come from different countries. Cyborg 001 is from Russia, 002 from USA, 003 from France, 004 from Germany, 005 from the southern America, 006 from China, 007 from Great Britain and 008 ...
in time view of where we’re at in technology would be the most effective thing we could do.” Do you still want a Cyborg solo movie? Let us know down in the comments!
Sibling DEA agents take on a druglord, who transforms one brother into a robot. David Bradley, John Rhys-Davies, Todd Jenson, Alona Shaw. Directed by Sam Firstenberg.
Haddon appeared in a number of high-profile films between 1979 and 1998, perhaps most notably starring alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme in ‘80s action flick Cyborg. The Canadian also featured in ...
Reiji Matsushima is a genius physicist. He realizes that he and his fiancé Asahi Ando will be killed a the theory which he advanced. One day, in the year 2013, Reiji dies in a airplane explosion and ...
Artist Neil Harbisson was born colour blind, but an antenna permanently implanted into his skull enables him to hear colours and today he is the world's first officially recognised cyborg.