popularly known for serving as the model for Eddie Murphy's character Donkey in the "Shrek" animated movie. The 30-year-old Perry was euthanized on Jan. 2 following a battle with pituitary pars ...
and of course his contributions to the movie Shrek-as the motion model for the Donkey character in the movie." The caption of the post reads, "We are heartbroken to share that our beloved Barron ...
“It’s evident if you know Perry and watch the movie that it’s him,” his lead handler at the time, Jenny Kiratli, told SFGate in a 2021 interview. “It’s amazing how much of our donkey ...
PALO ALTO, Calif. - Perry, the donkey that served as the model for "Donkey," a character in the "Shrek" movies, has died. He was 30. Perry died Saturday at Barron Park Donkeys, a pasture in Palo Alto.
and he became their motion model for the “Donkey” character voiced by Eddie Murphy. As the film went on to win the first Academy Award for best animated feature in 2002 and cement itself into ...