Heather Rooks will also appeal the ruling that her free speech rights were not violated when the district advised her to stop ...
A Bible verse will be removed from the entrance of a new jail in central Michigan after critics said it was a government endorsement of religion.
On Monday, a group of Societies of Friends sued the Trump administration over an immigration directive that no longer considers churches “protected areas.” The churches argue it infringes on their ...
Legislation to create school vouchers in Texas would send taxpayer money to private schools that teach anti-science ideas.
Allegedly the Catholic Church condones statue worship ... Unfortunately the Bible lumps the Ten Commandments all together without division or numbering. (The verse numbers are no help since ...
Now it may be true that the Bible ... their worship of the Child in such a positive manner, if Mary's Child was not God. If Mary is not the Mother of God, then the Bible in this verse would ...
This ground report attempts to explore whether there exists a gap between court verdicts and social realities. Are social ...
It’s a simple song with a simple affirmation; the Bible, God’s word, is important to us, and we rely on it alone for our lives. Interestingly, for many Christ-followers today, while adamant about who ...
Recent letters by John Gallup (Herald, Jan. 17) and Ian Root (Herald, Jan. 17), got me to thinking, and wondering why the American flag is so prominently displayed in so many U.S. churches. While ...
New film recounts the story of six religious groups and how each fought for their right to exercise their faith — and why it ...
Hence, an act passed by the Parliament—the Places of Worship Act, in this case—cannot annihilate the fundamental right of freedom of worship enshrined under Articles 25 and 26, as well as the ...