Both the Kodoku no Gourmet live-action series and original manga follow a solitary salesman named Gorō Inagashira as he ...
High School student Yuzuriha Amate gets her hands on a state-of-the-art Gundam, the GQuuuuuuX, and joins an underground mecha duel competition. She partners up with Shuji Ito, a mysterious young ...
Eagle-eyed geologist Mark Tingay recently noticed the emergence of a ‘ghost island’ in November of 2024, caused by a submarine mud volcano called Kumani Bank. Satellites show that the island ...
What are the best ghost games? We can all agree that ghost games are better played together, right? That way, you can work together with your pals online and if things go south, sacrifice them and ...
Psycho Mantis in "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (VG) Psycho Mantis in "Metal Gear Solid" (VG) Psycho Mantis in "Metal Gear Solid: Integral" (VG) Psycho Mantis in "Metal Gear Solid: The ...
A certified sleep science coach and mattress expert, JD has been reviewing online mattresses professionally for the past five years. During that time, he's tested well over 150 beds and dedicated ...
Nesbit’s chilling short story Man-Size in Marble back to life in his seventh Ghost Story for Christmas. In her final days, author Edith Nesbit recounts the chilling tale of newlywed Victorians ...
Mark Gatiss, master of the macabre, presents chilling Christmas stories for a cold winter’s night.