A spin-off of the Gundam Seed franchise, Mobile Suit Gundam MSV Astray follows Lowe, a mechanical engineer who harvests parts from auctions and constructs his own custom machine. Things take a ...
If you've wanted more Gundam outside the gunpla models, Bandai hopes the Gundam Assemble tabletop game will spark your interests. For years, the Gundam franchise has been consistently present in ...
A new tabletop game project using Gunpla is here! Gather various Mobile suits from different Gundam series to face off in an epic showdown. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE is a tabletop game that uses ...
Gundam recently announced that their new miniatures game, Gundam Assemble, will be storming to gaming tables in the future. Much like Warhammer 40K, players will customize the mech miniatures and ...
RX-124 Gundam TR-6 [Queenly] is a massive 131ft Mecha with upgraded firepower. MRX-009 Psycho Gundam is a 131ft behemoth designed for Newtype control. GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam towers at 184ft and ...