Trump wound up breaking lots of promises in his first term, but it didn’t stop him from promising voters the world again.
“There’s no question he means it,” Mr. Alden said. “The first thing he said in his acceptance speech is: I will keep my promises. And that’s very much at the top of the promise list.
In today’s cynical world, it may sound a bit old-fashioned to some people, but I truly believe in the importance of keeping ...
As an Aquarius zodiac sign, I like to think that I can be depended on. I keep my promises as much as possible, but sometimes it's really hard for me to make a promise and want to keep it.
Meet With Your Purdue Promise Coach When you enroll in our required GS 197 course as a first-semester, first-year student, the Purdue Promise instructor for that course becomes your Purdue Promise ...