Lobo, played by Jason Momoa, is an iconic DC character known for his violent, anti-hero persona and unique origin story. Created as a parody, Lobo evolved into a beloved rugged anti-hero with ...
Jason Momoa excitedly takes on a new role as Lobo in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Momoa candidly shares a behind-the-scenes clip while reading his script for Supergirl. The Aquaman star's ...
Who the hell is Lobo? Well ya ever-lovin' bastich, he's an almost unkillable, bloodthirsty, over-the-top space biker bounty hunter with a foul mouth and a love for a fine cigar. And if you're part ...
Howard Hawks’ “Rio Lobo” is a John Wayne Western. That was a little unusual in 1970, because John Wayne had unaccountably been finding himself in some Westerns that weren’t John Wayne Westerns.
Welcome, discerning ACNH art collectors, I’m here to help you fill your museum to the brim and sneak past Redd’s scams. Ruffle Blather’s feathers with delight as you present all of the real artworks, ...