Tata Consumer Products on Thursday posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 299.75 crore, with a 5 per cent decline on a YoY basis, for the third quarter (Q3) of the financial year 2024-25, against Rs ...
Tiger Woods revealed his odd Starbucks order after a reporter saw him walking with a giant plastic cup from the coffee chain ...
The FOMC votes unanimously for no change with inflation sticky. Powell says he's had 'no contact' with Trump. Nvidia facing ...
Just like its cafes, Starbucks’ menu is set to undergo a major overhaul. Starbucks chairman and CEO Brian Niccol said in a ...
There are endless threads to pull with Starbucks’ turnaround, down to the very ink on customers’ cups as they order. But CEO ...
The coffee chain will use a mobile order-pacing algorithm and high-tech menus, CEO Brian Niccol said, while store aesthetics are also under review.