Tamil Nadu BJP president urges Tangedco to adjust online system for micro units' electricity tariff classification III A (1).
Applying the General Rules of Interpretation (GIR), the authority determined the Back Glass Subassembly’s classification ...
In conclusion, the Andhra Pradesh High Court’s ruling emphasizes the importance of proper tariff classification in GST ...
TANGEDCO clarifies MSMEs must apply for tariff change from IIIB to IIIA (1) to avoid higher electricity charges.
Electricity consumers in Aba, under the aegis of Aba Electricity Consumers Forum (AECF), are demanding for downward review of ...
Several animal feed businesses are concerned about financial burdens due to inconsistency in applying import tariff ...
That’s because President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that a new 10% across-the-board tariff on Chinese goods could be ...
The Nigerian government says the country needs $15 billion from private investors to improve the power sector.
If implemented, goods subject to 201, 232 and 301 tariffs would no longer be able to claim the exemption and avoid duties.
Chinese goods are currently subject to a 100% tariff on electric vehicles and ... according to the classification system the US government uses. Valued at $39 billion, the second biggest category ...
Traders exploited tariff classification rules to import gold in the form of platinum alloys, which saw a massive 16,500 per cent increase in imports during January-October 2024, year on year.