In foreign policy, Federalists generally favored England over France. Anti-Federalists such as Thomas Jefferson feared that a concentration of central authority might lead to a loss of individual ...
The great anti-slavery Virginia Federalist John Marshall ... John Adams would have defeated Thomas Jefferson in 1800.” “The Constitution did more than just tolerate slavery,” Chernow ...
It voted for Thomas Jefferson as president and Aaron Burr as vice president. Jefferson called his election (and the defeat of Adams) “the revolution of 1800” because this was the first time control of ...
I heartily endorse), usually focus on the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. After all, Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence; he defined the American creed by the self-evident ...
The Democratic-Republican candidate was Thomas Jefferson and the Federalist candidate was John Adams. At the time, the president was elected by the electoral college with no popular vote.