Doctor G made Rs 3.87 crore on Day 1, Code Name Tiranga was a non-starter with just Rs 15 lakh coming in through ticket sales on Friday, Kantara (Hindi) collected Rs 1.27 crore on its opening day.
The court found 28 guilty in the communal violence that followed Chandan's killing during a Tiranga Yatra, sparking riots.
Soft paneer cubes are marinated in red, white and green marination's and cooked on skewers in a tandoor. It's just the ideal snack to serve at a dinner party. To prepare the red marination, take ...
They were convicted of the murder of Chandan Gupta, who was shot dead in a communal clash that broke out during a 2018 ...
However, this time, after masks, T-shirts, and bags, Congress MPs distributed rose flowers and the national flag (Tiranga) to NDA MPs. In one such exchange, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was seen ...
during a communal clash which broke out at the Tiranga Yatra in Kasganj on January 26, 2018. The court of Additional District and Sessions Judge Vivekanand Sharan Tripathi on Thursday convicted ...