Felix Mantilla, a member of the 1957 Braves who called Milwaukee home after his career and played a pivotal role in the ...
That's the kind of long-term team control the Brewers tend to prioritize with their additions and could make him an ideal fit in Milwaukee. Just 25 years old, Baty fits the youth that the Brewers ...
The Milwaukee Brewers offered their condolences to his family in a social media post Saturday: “We are heartbroken to learn of the passing of Felix Mantilla, an iconic figure in Milwaukee who ...
PHOENIX — While it didn't necessarily translate to the final score for the Milwaukee Brewers — an 8-3 loss to the Cincinnati Reds — youthful exuberance abounded at American Family Fields of ...
The Milwaukee Brewers will stay in American Family Field for the next 25 years. The Milwaukee Brewers will stay in American Family Field for the next 25 years. The Wisconsin Professional Ballpark ...
Felix Mantilla was one of only a handful of players remaning from the Milwaukee Braves team that won the 1957 World Series.