On Tuesday, the fast food giant announced the arrival of the new Pokémon Happy Meal, which is now available at its restaurants nationwide. “There’s nothing more exciting than when we can ...
Happy Meals are turning to basketball next week as they feature McDonald's All American Games. Here's a look at what's inside ...
Each Happy Meal will include a Pokémon TCG (Trading card game) booster pack featuring four of 15 available TCG cards, the burger chain said. Happy Meals will also include a Pokémon poster and a ...
Pokémon fans on the hunt for the elusive Charizard card or the uber-rare Coalossal VMAX card may be a Happy Meal away from obtaining one of 15 limited-edition trading cards. While there's no ...
McDonald's Happy Meal containers are covetable pretty much all the time (the recent Pokémon/McD's collaboration was a megahit ...