Objective Guardian Caps (GCs) have been widely implemented at all levels of American football participation based on ...
Background Identification of high-risk sports, including their most common and severe injuries and illnesses, will facilitate the identification of sports and athletes at risk at an early stage. Aim ...
3 Queensland Academy of Sport, Centre of Excellence for Applied Sport Science Research, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 7 Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, ...
Objective To investigate the association between concussion history and depressive symptoms after adjusting for physical activity, substance use, and illicit drug use. Methods We analysed data from ...
Importance Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is both chronic and prevalent; it has complex aetiology and many conservative treatment options. Objective Develop a comprehensive contemporary guide to ...
Postpartum physical activity has several health benefits for both the mother and newborn including reducing the risk for maternal depression and improved parent–child bonding.1 An underserved ...
Objective To assess whether aerobic exercise was superior to usual care in alleviating depressive symptoms in patients living with a major non-communicable disease. Data sources Data were obtained ...
1 Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, UK 2 Sports Institute of Northern Ireland, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, UK ...
Objectives To explore how sports injury prevention takes place in elite sport practice and to describe the perspectives of athletes, coaches and physiotherapists regarding the most critical factors ...
Neurologist and Sports Physician Centre for Sports Medicine Research and Education and the Brain Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3052 ...
Objectives To evaluate the efficacy of a new multicomponent, exercise-based injury prevention programme in football players 13–19 years old. Methods Two-arm cluster-randomised controlled trial with ...
Background Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a prevalent condition commencing at various points throughout life. We aimed to provide an evidence synthesis concerning predictive variables for PFP, to aid ...