Researchers have uncovered a vast and well-preserved network of ancient irrigation canals in the Eridu region of southern Mesopotamia, shedding new light on early farming practices. The research team, ...
The team found that both bonobos and chimpanzees used sex in similar ways to ease tension and reaffirm social bonds before feeding. Bonobos also often had sex more after fights to repair social ...
New research by our Department of Psychology has determined that our perceptions of body image are shaped by what we see from as early as seven years old. These body ideals continue to be informed by ...
Researchers from our top-rated Biosciences department in collaboration with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), have conducted a study to understand the challenges faced by migratory birds across ...
'Interactions: weak, strong, and human’ A lecture given by Professor Nigel Glover FRS A lecture spanning the discovery of the W boson particle at CERN in 1983 to its effect on ‘BSM physics' today.