President Donald Trump pledged to "stand proudly for families and for life" in a video message for the 52nd annual March for Life Jan. 24. Trump, who took office just days earlier, delivered the ...
WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- En una basílica "adornada con hermosos mosaicos de arte", el mosaico "más impresionante" fue "la reunión de personas de tantos lugares diferentes que se unieron para defender ...
FAIRFAX, Virginia (OSV News) -- Cuando Roe vs. Wade fue anulado en junio de 2022, algunos católicos se preguntaron en voz alta: A raíz de una victoria tan resonante, por la que se luchó ...
WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- El presidente Donald Trump se comprometió a "defender con orgullo a las familias y la vida" en un mensaje en video para la 52ª Marcha por la Vida el 24 de enero. Trump, quien ...
Students from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, hold the March for Life banner outside the U.S. Supreme Court during the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 24, 2025. (OSV News ...
The pro-life chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops lauded U.S. House passage of a bill Jan. 23 that would require life-saving medical attention for babies who survive abort ...
When Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, some Catholics wondered aloud: In the wake of such a resounding victory -- tenaciously fought for during a 50-year local, state ...
On the eve of the national March for Life rally in Washington, President Donald Trump announced Jan. 23 he was issuing pardons for 23 protesters arrested for violating the fed ...
One of the rewards of having an active social media account for our mission office (follow us @BostonMissions) is the ability to be in contact with people all over the world. At the push of a button, ...
Throughout the Mass this day, the prayers emphasize Simeon's words about Christ, the light of the nations.
Our school day begins with prayer, and our students frequently encounter moments of grace in Mass, retreats, and service to others. These rituals remind us that God is not confined to a classroom or a ...
In the 2023-24 academic year, over 30 Newton Country Day students traveled to 11 countries through the Sacred Heart Network Exchange program. Students attend another Sacred Heart School abroad for thr ...