The University Honors Program values diversity and seeks students who bring a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to our program. Applications are open for students on any USU campus.
The University Honors Program is home to a community of Aggies who accept Horace’s ancient challenge: "Sapere Aude"—or "Dare to Know." Honors brings together a diverse group of curious, brave, ...
It is an exciting time to be engaged with sports. With a projected growth rate of 12.5% over the next four years, there’s a future for you in sports. As you complete the program, you’ll participate in ...
Sociology is the study of the individual and human groups. It offers a broad foundation for understanding human behavior and encourages the development of critical thinking. The growing awareness of ...
Please be aware of the ongoing construction adjacent to Merrill Hall as Ridge Point Hall (set to open fall 2025), a parking terrace and business building are being built. Merrill Hall is located in ...
Data Engineering represents one of the fastest-growing sectors of the information economy. Data engineers provide critical support for the data pipeline, collaborating with their teams to obtain, ...