Special: A Year After Recovering From Severe Frostbite She Suffered During Her Everest Summit, Vadodara Adventurer Nisha Kumari Cycled 18,888km.
Lukas Furtenbach explains why using Xenon to help climb Everest in a week is a new tool but is really no different than ...
Nisha Kumari, the first woman from Vadodara to summit Mount Everest, embarked on a cycle expedition from Vadodara to London ...
The price of a permit to climb the world’s highest peak will rise 36 percent later this year. Guides believe that climbers ...
Alan Arnette, an Everest summiteer and a well-respected chronicler of the mountain, suggests that from his research the ...
The cost of a permit to ascend Everest will soon hit as much as $15,000, but a veteran climber says the increase won't keep ...
Rising Prices, New Rules on Mount Everest The allure of climbing Mount Everest, since the first ascent in 1953, continues to escalate, resulting in overcrowding ...
According to Glacier Himalaya Treks and Expedition, a private group of experienced mountaineers that offers tours, the permit ...
Acclimatiztion Climbing high requires physiological adjustment. Humans were not designed to live at altitudes pushing 8,000 meters – the Death Zone. But our bod ...
For Everest summit hopefuls the royalty fee is only the start of the overall cost for an expedition, with prices reportedly ranging from around $33,000 to $200,000 depending on the type ...
Starting in September, climbers hoping to summit the world's highest mountain will have to pay $15,000 during peak season, up ...